WHAT IS THE COLLEGE OF OCULARISTRY? The College of Ocularistry (“COO”) is a division of the American Society of Ocularists. The mission of the COO is to provide the highest quality educational experience to students of Ocularistry. We are a non-traditional educational institution that does not have a campus. Our courses are held in conjunction with the programs of the American Society of Ocularists (ASO) in the Spring and in the Fall. These conferences are held at various locations around the country. The educational program administered by the COO is geared to academically educate Ocularists that are in training. A large portion of your education will take place on the job. OVERVIEW OF THE COLLEGE CURRICULUM The clinical aspect of the College’s curriculum begins when the Intern becomes involved with the fitting and fabrication of ocular prosthetics, whether under the supervision of a Board Approved Diplomate Ocularist (BADO) or in the case of Unsupervised Interns, through experience. The curriculum includes courses and workshops related to the entire scope of an Ocularists practice. Interns of the College of Ocularistry are required to take an experience level examination (ELE) at specific intervals during their training to verify their level of training. The courses and workshops are conducted at the Annual and Mid-Year Conferences of the American Society of Ocularists. The Annual Conference, occurring in the Fall, is held in conjunction with the American Academy of Ophthalmology in a city chosen by the Academy. Lectures are provided by members of the faculty who are experienced in the area of study. Workshops provides an opportunity for Interns to have a hands-on experience working with various techniques and materials. Some preparation of material that is to be brought to the course may be required. Free papers on current subjects pertaining to an Ocularist’s practice are presented by knowledgeable health care practitioners. The entire core curriculum is repeated every five years. INSTRUCTORS The ASO Board of Directors appoints the Deans of the College who select specific qualified instructors for the courses offered. The instructors are selected from the general ASO membership, medical affiliates, oculoplastic surgeons, physicians and ancillary ophthalmic technicians, nurses or health care professionals. ADMINISTRATION Dean of Academics Monica Erickson, BCO, BADO Spokane, Washington Dean of Students Jean Thompson, BCO, BADO, FASO San Antonio, Texas FACULTY