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ASO Committees

There are several committees in the American Society of Ocularists offering opportunities for members to be involved in the organization.  Each Committee is assigned a liaison from the Board of Directors to ensure the committee’s work receives proper attention and recognition from the governing body.


The Admissions Committee was re-established by Presidential appointment at the October 2019 ASO Annual Meeting.  The appointment was made to provide a structure to evaluate and assist with the submissions of applications to the College of Ocularistry.  The Committee also oversees applications into ASO of Allied BCO applicants.  The Committee consists of one member from the College of Ocularistry, appointed by the COO Deans; one member from the Education Committee appointed by the Education Committee Chairs; and one member of the ASO Board of Directors, appointed by the ASO President.


Jean Thompson, BCO, BADO, FASO


Beverly Woltman, BCO, BADO

Sherry Richardson, BCO, BADO


Beverly Woltman, BCO, BADO


Archival records of the ASO are maintained at the ASO Headquarters office under the supervision of the Executive Director. Within the headquarters office, these records are maintained either in print form, such as member and working files, or digitally, with an electronic backup maintained.

This Committee is not currently active in ASO.


The Audit Committee, also referred to as the Finance & Audit Committee shall oversee the internal annual audit of the ASO financial books and report its findings to the Board of Directors and membership at the Annual Business Meeting.


The Budget Committee is charged with preparing the annual operating budget for the ASO. Annual budgets are approved by the Board of Directors.  This function has  been processed by the Audit/Financial Committee in recent years.


The Bylaws of the American Society of Ocularists was amended and approved by the membership in November 2017. Several areas were updated, eliminated, and changed in this current version of the Bylaws. Of note, the Rules, which were previously shown in a separate section of the Bylaws, was incorporated into the Bylaws; the College of Ocularistry was added; and the Grievance-Ethics Committee was eliminated in favor of all violations to be reported to the Board of Directors for review. The Committee consists of its Chair, appointed by the ASO President and additional members as may be deemed appropriate by the President or Committee Chair.

Canadian Affairs

To maintain contact with Canadian members of the ASO and with the Canadian Society of Ocularists to represent the ASO.

The College OF Ocularistry

The College of Ocularistry is a working group under the Education Committee of the ASO.  Its application processes, tuition and assessments are defined and detailed within the Charter

of the College of Ocularistry.



The Education Committee has oversight for functions of the Collge of Ocularistry, the Continuing Education Committee and the Online Education Center.  This includes the Mid-Year Conference, held in the Spring and the Annual Conference, held in the Fall and in conjunction with the American Academy of Ophthalmology.  


Monica Erickson, BCO, BADO

College of Ocularistry

Dean of Students: Jean Thompson, BCO, BADO, FASO

Dean of Academics: Monica Erickson, BCO, BADO

  Director of Continuing Education

Michelle Bullard, BCO, BADO

Online Education Co-Chairs

Kendahl Quimby, BCO, BADO

Marcus Soper, BCO, BADO, FASO


 The Fellow Committee is

a Standing Committee of the ASO.

A Fellow Member is a member of the American Society of Ocularists who has attained the requirements of Fellow status and been awarded the designation by the Fellow Committee.  The Fellow Committee consists of all active Fellow members and appoints its Chairs from within the committee.


Donald Kluge, BCO, BADO

board liaison:

David Gougelmann, BCO, BADO


Donald Kluge, BCO, BADO

board liaison:

David Gougelmann, BCO, BADO


Marcus Soper, BCO, BADO, FASO


Cameran Hadlock, BCO, BADO

Kevin Kelley, BCO, BADO, FASO

Sam Murano, BCO, BADO


Cameran Hadlock, BCO, BADO


Jonathan Brett, BCO, BADO


Jonathan Brett, BCO, BADO

Dean of Academics:

Monica Erickson, BCO, BADO

Dean of Students:

Jean Thompson, BCO, BADO, FASO   


Cameran Hadlock, BCO, BADO



Nicole Blum, BCO, BADO

Edwin Bullard, BCO, BADO

Michelle Bullard, BCO, BADO

Chesley Edwards, BCO, BADO

Melissa Frederick, BCO, BADO

Bridget Kinneer, BCO, BADO

Ruth Mueller-Welt, BCO

Craig Pataky, BCO, BADO

Sherry Richardson, BCO, BADO

Shirley Weyland, BCO, BADO, FASO


Marie-France Clermont, BCO, BADO, FASO


Joseph LeGrand, Jr., BCO, BADO, FASO


All current Board Approved Diplomate Ocularists who have achieved the status of Fellow are considered members of the committee.



Joint Scientific

The Joint Scientific Committee is responsible for coordinating the annual Joint Session with the American Academy of Ophthalmology, held at the ASO Annual Conference in the Fall.  The Committee works in concert with the Academy to develop the ocularist side of the program on topics where an ophthalmologist presents the medical side.

ASO Chair:

Donald Kluge, BCO, BADO

Medical Advisory Board

The Medical Advisory Board of the American Society of Ocularists consists of individual physicians who serve 3-year terms as active participants with the ASO.


Stephen Haddad, BCO, BADO & Beverly Woltman, BCO, BADO


Beverly Woltman, BCO, BADO


Cat Burkat, MD

Thomas Johnson, MD

John Ng, MD

David A. Sami, MD

Jeramiah P. Tao, MD

Swapna Vemuri, MD

national examining board of ocularists (NEBO) liason

This position, as described in the Bylaws, is tasked to interact with the National Examining Board of Ocularists (NEBO) and provide regular updates to the Board of Directors on NEBO activities.

Nomination Procedures

The Nominating Committee shall select the persons to be voted upon for members of the Board of Directors from the submissions received from the general membership in the Call for Nominations or from any nominated submitted and qualified from the floor at each Annual Business Meeting of members. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President not more than thirty days after each Annual Meeting of members. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three voting members of the Society, with the Chair being the current Vice President. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall select the other members of the Committee. The Nominating Committee shall select nominees sufficiently in advance of the Annual Meeting so that the names of the members nominated may be submitted to the membership together with notice of the Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee shall select a number of nominees for election to the Board of Directors at each meeting sufficient to fill the vacancies for the forthcoming term.

There will be ample opportunity for additional nominations to be made from the floor at each Annual Meeting.

Procedures for the nomination and election to the Board of Directors shall be as follows:

a) 90 days before the Annual Business Meeting, the Nominating Committee shall solicit members to serve on the Board from the voting membership.

ASO COmmittee Chair:  

David Gougelmann, BCO, BADO

b) Nominations from the voting membership shall be closed 60 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting.

c) The Executive Director shall validate the submissions received from the membership and advise the Nominating Committee within 5 days of the close of nominations.

d) The Nominating Committee shall meet either in person, electronically or by telephone to review submissions received from the membership and develop its slate of candidates for Board positions.

e) 45 days before the Annual Business Meeting, the Nominating Committee shall submit its slate of candidates to the Board of Directors for vote.

f) 30 days before the Annual Business Meeting, the Board of Directors shall vote on the slate of candidates. In the event the Board votes down the slate of candidates submitted by the Nominating Committee, candidates will be submitted and voted on by the voting membership at the Annual Business Meeting.

g) Not less than 25 days before the Annual Business Meeting, the Executive Director will advise the voting membership of the Board approved slate of candidates.


Donald Kluge, BCO, BADO



Professional/Public Awareness

This Committee is not currently active in ASO.


The Publications Committee shall publish the "Journal of Ophthalmic Prosthetics."

Regulatory Advisory/Medicare

Standards & Research


Kori Jahrling Malouin, BCO, BADO



Donald Kluge, BCO BADO


John Kennedy, BCO, BADO


Michael Barrett, BCO, BADO


Donald Kluge, BCO, BADO

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